Sat. May 4th, 2024
Breuer Chairs

The chair is a classic symbol of power and wealth since it was once reserved for aristocrats, powerful clergymen, or heads of state and we doubt that cane chairs are out of style. Today, we see them as symbols of taste and good quality.. And those qualities make them very sought after”. Antique means expensive though! If you decide that you’d like to go with cane-back then Italian craftsmanship is the go-to for you.

Breuer chairs are making a comeback in interior design. They are certainly not out of style. Cane seats and back chairs come in a variety of styles that can do with any modern or classic interior design. 

Some people find this style of chair outdated due to its lack of cushions for comfort, while others love the idea of inexpensive chairs that are portable. Still more people are on board with this design because it doesn’t come with any toxic glues or finishes.  So if you’re on the hunt for a trendy new dining room table and chairs, take some time to go through all your options before deciding on anything! A recent trend in design is using tables without them being attached to the ground- giving you more space when needed.

Breuer chairs are still great and, in some areas of the world, can be more affordable. Their classic design is iconic and the chairs definitely work better than other backless seating for formal settings where guests need something to lean against while seated.

This chair’s clean lines are still strikingly contemporary today. Designers have chosen to incorporate some new materials into the construction, but the key element that differentiates this chair from other chairs on the market is that it was designed with an ergonomic slant that supports proper spine alignment. Many people find sitting on a properly aligned spine more comfortable than on a “flat” seat because it creates equal contact along your whole back rather than having one hard edge digging into you every time you sit down or stand up. Consider purchasing one if you want to be able to work comfortably throughout your downtime at home or office.

Here are the lists of cane chairs you can try in your home!

With the innovation and changes of preference, you can also combine cane seats or back with upholstered ones, you will be surprised with the difference it can give in your interior decor. These chairs are fully customizable from the metal frame, wood finish, and seat covers. Check this link to get started in customizing your very own chair!

By Alona