Sun. Jan 19th, 2025
Do's and Don'ts on Breuer ChairsDo's and Don'ts on Breuer Chairs

Breuer chairs are designed to be comfortable, durable, and affordable. They have clean lines that are both modern and classic at the same time. We have listed here the do’s and don’ts on Breuer Chairs to make sure that your Breuer Chairs stay strong and durable in the years to come!

The Marcel Breuer chair is regarded as one of the most beautifully designed chairs in all of history. The seat, back, and frame are made from tubular metal with a curved structure which allows for greater stability with a lighter frame. Read more about it here!

  • Do keep your Breuer chair clean. A quick wipe with a damp cloth every few days will help maintain that lovely, sleek look.
  • Do use caution when lifting or moving it; make sure you’ve got someone helping you if needed! 
  • Do spend some time thinking about what color would work best in each room of your house (or office). Then go shopping accordingly! 
  • Make sure to always use the proper safety precautions when moving a Breuer chair. The chairs have narrow seats and high backs, so they’re easy to tip over if you’re not careful. Always place something under the back legs, such as a table or ottoman, before trying to move it.
  • Do remember to dust your Breuer chair with natural fibers like cotton or wool, as these will help prevent the fabric from becoming too shiny.
  • Make sure the chair is appropriate for your space. It should be proportional to the room and other furniture.
  • Enjoy the chair! It’s a classic for a reason.
  • Ignore weight limits listed by the manufacturer. A chair that’s overloaded will not only be uncomfortable but also dangerous.
  • Rush into a purchase without taking the time to think about what you need.
  • Sitting in them with heavy loads could cause damage either under your seat or behind where your back rests against the chair’s frame.
  • Exposed to too much UV light or harsh chemicals which could damage them even more than just using soap and water would do on occasion
  • Avoid leaving food on chairs for an extended period of time; it may stain over time and require professional cleaning.
  • Don’t sit in a Breuer chair without first checking for stability issues.

By Alona